Our School Day
Doors open: 08.45
Lunchtime: 12.00 - 13.00
End of day: 15.30
This equates to: 33.75 hours in school per week, this is above the minimum DfE requirement of 32.5 hours.
Our Term Dates
A full calendar of term dates is available, please download these at the bottom of the page.
At Scholes, we really value attendance. Parents/carers should NOT book holidays in term time. Term time holidays impact greatly on children academically and socially. It is especially important not to book them for Y1 pupils in June (phonics screening check) and in May for Year 6 pupils (SATs).
Any absence requests should be submitted to school BEFORE making a booking. In most cases, the absence will be classed as unauthorised. Should your child take 10 sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence in a 10-week rolling period, a penalty notice will be issued - £80 per parent per child.
More information can be found here: School attendance and absence: Legal action to enforce school attendance - GOV.UK
There are a few exceptional circumstances where absence can be authorised. Please discuss this with the Headteacher before making any bookings.
2024-2025 Academic Year
Autumn Term 2024
School opens | Tuesday 3 September (INSET Monday 2 September) |
School closes | Thursday 24 October (INSET Friday 25 October) |
Half Term | Monday 28 October - Friday 1 November |
School reopens | Monday 4 November |
School closes | Friday 20 December |
Spring Term 2025
School opens | Monday 6 January |
School closes | Friday 14 February |
Half Term | Monday 17 February - Friday 21 February |
School reopens | Tuesday 25 February (INSET Monday 24 February) |
School closes | Friday 4 April |
Summer Term 2025
School opens |
Tuesday 22 April April (Easter Monday 21 April) (Bank Holiday Monday 5 May) |
School closes | Friday 23 May |
Half Term | Monday 26 May - Friday 30 May |
School reopens | Monday 2 June |
School closes | Friday 18 July (INSET Monday 21 / Tuesday 22 July) |